Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jolly Joy it's Jamaica

You saw that last time I was at Death Valley, Nevada. After the valley I walked and swam to Jamaica and at Jamaica I had a look at some of the coral and coasts there. The main one I looked at was Perdo Bank. Originally known as La Vibora (the Viper), Pedro Bank was once a busy and treacherous shipping passage used by seafaring Europeans in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

The shallow reefs, rocks and shoals laid out in the shape of a gigantic serpent led Spanish mariners to give the area its fiendish name. Archaeologists estimate there are over 300 shipwrecks on the Bank, each of which fell victim in one way or another to La Vibora. Today the Bank is known for its economic and cultural importance.

Here is a picture I took while I was in a hellicoppter.

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